Carbon Factor Index




Through the ICEMAN program and its several specialty areas, we have developed testing and measurement procedures to evaluate carbon emissions, carbon offsets and carbon neutrality of various products and services offered in the marketplace. ICEMAN applies well accepted sciences to perform these measurements for manufacturers and service providers. Please take some time to review the ICEMAN testing specifications and voluntary measurement standards for carbon emissions, carbon offsets and carbon neutrality, and consider submitting your products and/or business plans to ICEMAN for measurement and evaluation. We welcome the opportunity to discuss with you the benefits of such measurement and of voluntary compliance with ICEMAN standards.

ICEMAN Carbon Factor®

The ICEMAN Carbon Factor program has developed testing specifications and procedures for measuring and evaluating the carbon footprint of a product and its manufacturing process. We can measure the carbon emissions released in the manufacture of a product and by its raw materials and components during its manufacturing. With access to the voluntary standards, businesses can modify their manufacturing processes as needed to maintain good emissions levels identified through the ICEMAN Carbon Factor program.

ICEMAN Carbon Factor Index®

The ICEMAN Carbon Factor Index program establishes worse case scenario carbon footprint criteria data by which products can be evaluated

ICEMAN Carbon Factor Offset®

The Iceman Carbon Factor Offset program evaluates carbon emissions offsets and provides businesses with the ability to track carbon emissions offsets associated with a particular product, with a view toward achieving an established criterion of carbon neutral status CF1100, or improving their Carbon Factor Index rating.

Additional Services

Embodied Carbon Neutral Buildings: Calculate the embodied carbon footprint of buildings and homes. Phase I calculations include GHG emissions of direct labor, subcontractors and materials used and embodied in the construction of a building or home.

CO2e Research Foundation: Research necessary to determine worse case scenario carbon emissions by industry to establish baseline data to determine CFI “0”. The baseline will create a standard for comparison of one product to another. Research will also be performed to integrate and implement ICEMAN® with other green building standards and 3rd party rating systems.

Greenhouse Gas Measurement: Provide a breakdown of an organization’s annual CO2e by emission source (carbon footprint) for reporting purposes.

CO2e Offset Provider: Offer Offsets for sale from Chicago Climate Exchange, all projects are certified and registered. We have access to offset projects all over the world. Featured Projects include methane capture, forestry and renewable energy. Our transparent pricing structure assures the lowest cost for offsets.

Carbon Neutral Certification: Organizations that offset 100% of their carbon footprint qualify for Carbon Neutral status.

Life Cycle Assessment: Generate a compilation and evaluation of the inputs, outputs and potential environmental impacts of a product system throughout its life cycle. In plain English, we measure the amount of CO2e that is generated in the manufacture of a product. Utilizing ISO 14040–14044 standards, we can assess cradle-to-gate, cradle-to-grave and cradle-to-cradle CO2e life cycles of any product.

Green Supply Chain Analysis: Help to determine where CO2e is hidden in your supply chain, exposing the inefficiencies. Our goal is to not only help every client reduce their CO2e emissions, but also prepare for future regulations. Strategies may include building offset assets, futures and hedging.

Green Messaging: Support for your status and environmental efforts with marketing communications and a certification seal.

Offset Sales and Creation: The ability to aggregate, register and market offset projects.

Renewable Energy Credit Creation and Sales: If you manage or own the environmental rights of a renewable energy project, we can help you create and market the renewable energy credits.

Comments or questions are welcome.

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For further information please contact us at:
CFI   logo Frank Dalene

Carbon Factor, Inc.
PO Box 1071
Wainscott, NY 11975